I had a choice of three girls, but decided to take a chance and see Paola on her first day, which proved to be a great decision.
Paola is a lovely young lady. Not only is she slim and pretty, she is also attentive, responsive and eager to please. We did lots of things in our brief time together but listing them here would make it sound mechanical, it was anything but. We just progressed from one thing to another, sometimes at her choosing, sometimes at mine, all coming to a very satisfying conclusion. Refreshingly Paola pointed out that we still had time left and set about relaxing me all over again.
This certainly wasn't a PSE, nor was it the well-practiced GFE of an experienced service provider, it was more like being with the pretty girl you pulled an hour earlier, having fun exploring each other's bodies to find out what they like. Altogether an exciting and very satisfying experience which I can't wait to repeat, thank you young lady!
Guys, treat this young lady well and you will be rewarded.???