she entered the room dressed in a negligee looking extremely radiant with a huge smile on her face as if delighted to see me. Being a nerd by nature, I'm not normally comfortable in the company of the opposite sex. In fact, my attempts at the dating game have been total disasters but she is natural friendliness put me at ease very quickly. As we chatted, she seemed genuinely interested in me and gave the impression that I was only person that mattered to her at that particular point in time.
Then she smiled warmly at me and gently said that we needed to press on. Dropping to her knees, she put my cock straight into her mouth and gave me an excellent blow job. After several minutes, she planted kisses on my torso as she traced a route up my body stopping at my nipples to give them a good licking in turn before resuming upwards to plant more kisses on the side of my neck. Then she put both her hands behind my neck and pulled me towards her. I couldn't help but look in the mirror at the two of us in this position. She caught me doing so and remarked we looked good together together. It really pleased me to hear that but being a geek I didn't know how to respond so I sort of grunted in acknowledgement. She then kissed me passionately. It was a deep french kiss.
After a few moments of absolute bliss, She said it was time we got in bed, stripped naked and lay down. I got next to her and she went on to plant more kisses over my body then down my legs. Then she took me in her mouth again for more oral without. Once again I found myself in absolute bliss for several minutes until she stopped and asked what position I wanted her in. After putting on a condom, she climbed on top of me and rode me cowgirl style looking me in the face and leaning forward every now and then to kiss me with passion. It didn't take long for me to shoot my load. With several minutes remaining of my allotted time, we lay there chatting as if we were old friends. Things did turn out to just as I had predicted.
To sum up in a way only a geek can:
beautiful lady + exemplary intimacy + punter made to feel valued = punt of the highest magnitude
Definitely a strong recommendation from me for anyone looking for the same.