Kris (snow whitest) profile description is quite accurate, except she says that she's a size 12. Kris seems much slimmer; more like a 10. She has lovely natural kissable breasts, a small,cute bottom, fresh, smooth skin & a clear complexion. Very attractive, she stands about 5'5", & has a lovely trim little figure; very girly. she has 2 small,discreet tattoos.
Have seen her before, she is warm, welcoming, honest, open & genuine. After a brief chat I enjoyed lots of kissing & cuddling,followed by sex; I won't flatter myself into thinking that she enjoyed the sex, but I did very much. During sex I felt she was very much a participant, not just a bystander like some girls. I gave her a massage afterwards, which I feel we both enjoyed.I didn't avail myself of all the items on Kris likes list;but I was still very satisfied. she is very affectionate & provides an excellent girlfriend experience, at a pace ideal for me. I imagine that for a younger client Kris could step up a gear & be much more naughty. she is a very good listener,you soon feel like you've known her for ages.Conversation seems to flow easily, advice offered, never judgemental.She would probably make an excellent therapist or counsellor;I dread to think how many client's dirty secrets she must have been told.Sorry if I don't go into detail about the intimacy I enjoyed with her; but I would highly recommend her, & will certainly be asking to see her again.