Why should an inveterate punter like me for whom variety has always been the main attraction suddenly want to see a lady regularly? The simple answer is that she is very good at what she does. Don't take just my word on this. If you check out her reviews, many from longstanding and illustrious reviewers, you will see that I am not the only one to rate her highly.
So in what way is she very good? The best answer I can think of is to misquote Ella Fitzgerald and Banarama-Fun Boy Three and say 'tain't what she does but the way that she does it and that what gets results.
To elaborate:
1. She is always delighted to see me and makes me feel valued.
2. She is invariably courteous and says the right things to make me feel good.
3. She has an infectious happy and smiley personality.
4. She is always impeccably clean and immaculately presented.
5. She provides the services listed on her profile with great enthusiasm.
6. She always give 110% - I've never known her to have an off day.
7. She is good company and capable of intelligent conversation.
I can't see me ever getting bored with her.
