After a brief and somewhat desultory attempt at conversation (my mind had quickly turned to mush) physical contact commenced. She does not kiss, well not face to face anyway, so I went straight for those incredible tits, gently caressing, feeling their substantial weight, kissing her responsive nipples. I asked her to stand and bend over for me so that I could pay my respects to her beautiful backside. Gentle touches and kisses elicited some delightfully girlish “ooo”s. I stripped down to my pants, my cock already bulging, as she got on the bed on her back with legs splayed for me to do some serious worshipping. Judging by further sounds from her mouth my tongue seemed to be giving her genuine pleasure so I kept going for a good 10 minutes or so. She got very wet. Then she took over, giving me a wonderfully slow and sensual teasing with both her mouth and tits engaging with my very stiff cock. When I was ready to fuck I told her that I would not be holding back and would come at the first opportunity and wanted my spunk going in to her mouth.”Ow Kie” she responded. We fucked, missionary style, and it felt fabulous with this amazing looking woman underneath me, my cock going ever deeper inside her warm wet cunt. Surrounded by mirrors I was able to enjoy several alternative views of our first fuck. As soon as I felt the valves about to open I whipped the condom off and brought my cock up to her face. The first spurt missed her mouth but she got her lips round it for the next, modest as it was*. Two further fucks followed, one doggy, one cowgirl (what views that presented) interspersed with a 69 and some delicious face sitting. All in all this was a very memorable first meeting. It will certainly not be the last I hope, not now she knows that she has a respectful, reliable and highly appreciative client in her thrall.
* have a look at her caption photos for a fabulous end of facial shot, her lower face absolutely dribbling with spunk. How I wish I was capable of delivering such a well deserved result for her.