I've seen Venera a couple of times now. Yesterday she was wearing a sexy pink top, micro skirt, matching stockings and heels. Quick snog and present handed over. Straight into the shower as I'd got a bit of a soaking on a rainy day.
Back to the bedroom and straight into more kissing and groping. Venera’s a good kisser with DFK pretty much the whole time I was with her. Went right through the card with her. Good DT from her, she can't take it all but does her best. Reverse oral on her pussy and arse. Fingers in both. Up for a-level and sex in any position you can put her. Nice rimming skills from Venera ended with a weeks worth into her mouth. She carried on sucking for a good minute before giving me a kiss then cleaning up.
she gives as great firm massage which after a while turned into close snogging and oil all over her huge tits. Oil over my cock with her wanking me off and one of her fingers up my arse. I moved her head down and she opened her mouth again to take a second shot straight in.
Back to the shower - no hot water coming through this time but no matter. Great dirty 90 minutes. Hugs and kisses with a smiling Venera and promised to return.