Greeted by Vanessa with a friendly smile, we undressed and I lay on the couch. Only 30 minutes so straight into it.
Not a firm massage, but copious amounts of oil rubbed into my back, legs and dribbled between my legs. She paid attention to the significant bits early on. Very nice indeed!
I loved the body-to-body face down, it probably helped that she is considerably taller than me, so her breasts appeared tantalizingly over my shoulder. She seemed happy with my stroking her back and bum and later her breasts.
Onto my back and very nice body to body continued, a mix of sliding about and using her hands on my tackle. Her breasts were delightfully available at mouth level.
This built up nicely to an amazing orgasm which practically blew me off the table, and we both had a good laugh at the intensity of it, helped by the fact I am super ticklish immediately afterwards.
All in all a great time with a lovely lady. We didn't have time for much chat, but she was friendly and engaging throughout.
I will return and see her again when time allows, taking longer so I can return the massage.
Thanks Vanessa!
go check her profile☺️